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This Small Business Saturday saw record sales

On Behalf of | Nov 30, 2018 | Business Law

Last Saturday was a big day for small businesses here in Indiana and throughout the United States. It was Small Business Saturday. And according to estimates, consumers came out strong for this retail holiday this year.

It is estimated that $17.8 billion was spent by shoppers at U.S. independently owned stores and restaurants this Small Business Saturday. This is a new record for this retail holiday, which started in 2010.

This high turnout is something small businesses likely found very encouraging. Small Business Saturday is something that has come to play important roles in the holiday shopping season for many companies. According to an American Express survey, nearly 3/5ths of small business owners report that Small Business Saturday plays a big part in their overall holiday sales. And a significant majority of the surveyed owners reported that this retail holiday helps them with things like boosting sales and drawing in new and more customers.

When big holiday sales come in for a small business, it can raise many opportunities for the company to continue its growth and success. Many things can impact a small business’ ability to take full advantage of these opportunities.

This includes how it handles legal issues that come up during the holiday shopping season. For small businesses, this busy season can not only bring with it increased sales, but also lots of different interactions with customers, suppliers and other parties. Sometimes, complex legal issues and potential disputes arise in relation to these interactions. If these issues and disputes are mishandled, it could cut into the gains a company made over the holiday season. So, giving careful thought to how to proceed and seeking out quality guidance can be important for company owners when such legal matters arise.


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