If you have a child who has a disability or other special needs, you may want to add a special needs trust to your estate plan. This type of trust gives your child access to funds to use on supplemental expenses without rendering him or her ineligible for means-tested...
Experienced Advocacy And Legal Counsel
Month: July 2021
How to have a smooth real estate closing
With closing day approaching, you are probably excited to be a new homeowner. Although closing day may seem like just an event in which you sign a lot of documents (which you will do), there are some other components about closing day that can delay, or even derail,...
Is my non-competition agreement enforceable?
A non-competition agreement is a very unique contract between an employer and employee. The reason why it is unique is because a non-competition agreement does not come into effect until after one of the parties terminates the employer-employee relationship. However,...
Planning for the potential of estate taxes
As you work to prepare your estate plan in Indiana, you begin to notice opportunities to preserve assets from standard administrative processes that might otherwise take away from the personal wealth you hope to pass on to your beneficiaries. These may include the...