If you find yourself in a non-compete agreement dispute with an employer, it would often help to look at the situation from both sides. While many of these agreements are overly restrictive, that is not always the case. At Dale & Eke, we represent businesses and individuals alike in these types of cases. That provides valuable insight into the interests of both parties and their rights under Indiana law.
We understand that many of these disputes are emotionally charged. An entrepreneur or independent contractor feels completely justified in using his or her skills to make a living. A business owner may feel a sense of betrayal or a partial responsibility for the other party’s success.
On one hand, it is obvious that most people involved with these types of disputes have invested a great deal of time and personal effort into the business they are pursuing. They may be well established in their area, and they may have taken many years of school to reach the professional position they hold.
On the other hand, many companies also heavily invest in the success of their employees. Additionally, these organizations may also share sensitive information, such as client lists or trade secrets, in order to further their business interests.
Although these two positions may seem irreconcilable, there is often a good deal of common ground. Furthermore, if you are able to understand both sides of the argument, it is much easier to grasp the opposition’s motivations and predict their actions.
There are many ways to solve these types of disputes. We find that, in most situations, preliminary negotiations clear up enough of the confusion in order to reach the settlement agreement. In other cases, it may be necessary for us to bring the matter to court. Here, we may contest the validity of a non-compete agreement, argue for the presence of unfair competition or establish the theft of trade secrets. Please continue on our main site to read more.