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Do you need a license to do business in Indiana?

On Behalf of | May 19, 2021 | Firm News

If you are thinking of opening a business, it was a good idea to look up whether you need a license. Unfortunately, the answer to your question is not an easy “yes” or “no”.

Different types of businesses have different types of legal requirements. This is true of not only the activities you wish to pursue but also the structure you intend to adopt.

Licenses for Indiana businesses

Some types of businesses need a license in Indiana. As explained on the state’s official website, the licensing requirements fall into two general categories: facility ownership and the type of occupation.

Building ownership requirements are relatively complex, so you would probably do a site-specific analysis for each prospective facility. Occupational licensing is usually more straightforward, as you probably already know what type of business you intend to have. Here are some of the operations that require licenses in Indiana:

  • Alcoholic beverage sales or manufacture
  • Financial services, legal services and many other regulated professions
  • Construction and contracting
  • Most types of transportation businesses

These are just the general rules Please keep in mind that, beyond the state requirements, you could have other concerns before you can open your doors officially.

Starting a business is a big step, especially as you scale up. You may need to confirm that your facility or the land on which you intend to build your facility has the correct zoning. For this reason and many others, it is often best to work from the exact details of your business plan up to the regulatory level, rather than the other way around.


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