If your business is facing tough financial times due to mounting debt and a lack of cash flow, you may wonder what you can do to pull your enterprise back from the brink. Companies in financial turmoil might turn to reorganization through the Chapter 11 bankruptcy...
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Business Law
Common mistakes new business owners can avoid
Launching a new business for the first time brings a flurry of decisions and new situations. In the process, many new business owners make mistakes that can hinder their success. Understanding some of the most common errors that business owners make might help you...
How buying or leasing equipment can benefit a business
If you own a small business, figuring out how to successfully expand your operation is likely one of your top concerns. While obtaining equipment, inventory or assets can help your company, you should also understand how to best go about your acquisition. Buying your...
How can I protect my business’s intellectual property?
Intellectual property plays a substantial role in American business. In 2019, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office reported that 44% of employment depended on IP-intensive industries. Intellectual property encompasses your creative ideas, inventions and brand identity...
FAQs about starting a business
Indiana, with its business-friendly environment and vibrant economy, has become a hotbed for budding entrepreneurs. In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that there are over 430,000 businesses in Indiana. Whether you're drawn by its strategic location in the...
Reasons businesses should remember charitable giving
In the world of business, success is not just measured by profits or growth rates. A truly successful business also considers its impact on the community and the broader society. According to America's Charities, businesses donate about $5 billion each year. Why...
How can you protect your business from cyber threats?
In the rapidly evolving world of technology, the importance of cybersecurity for businesses has never been more necessary. Every day, cyber threats continue to grow in sophistication, posing an increasing risk to the security of business data and systems....
What are the benefits of LLCs?
When starting a business, the first thing you need to do is decide what you want the structure to look like. For many business owners, an LLC will prove beneficial. It has numerous plus points that make it popular with smaller businesses or first-time owners....
Choosing the right formation for your new business
Selecting the appropriate formation for your new business in Indiana is an important decision that can have long-term implications. The formation you choose will determine the legal and financial structure of your business. Between a sole proprietorship, partnership,...
When can you be personally responsible for your LLC’s debts?
Starting a business venture is always a bit of a gamble. If your business eventually fails, though, you do not want your personal wealth to be in jeopardy. According to reporting from Yahoo!, protecting personal assets from the business's creditors is one of the more...